Theatre’ s Technical data

Theatre’s stage was planned and equipped in a way that it can support productions of Theatre, Dance, Music concerts, Opera and Music theatre.


  • Total width 18.00m – Total useful stage width 10.00m
  • Total depth 16.00m
  • Total height 14.00m – Total useful height 13.00m
  • Proscenium aperture 11.00m X 6.50m

Stage’s useful dimensions can be adjusted according to the needs of each performance:

  • Proscenium to safety curtain 5.50m
  • Proscenium to mid curtain 10.00m
  • Proscenium to cyclorama curtain 15.70m and to rear curtain 16.00m.

The stage has eight drop legs and eight side curtain (4 on either side) forming together with black curtain (mid and back) a black box.

Flying bar system

The 21 manual and 1 electric mechanisms operate the following:

  • Drop legs
  • Border curtains
  • Mid curtain
  • Lighting equipment
  • Additional screen
  • Additional curtains, props or set

Stage Manager Desk

There is a stage manager desk on stage left which control the following:

  • Auditorium lights
  • Working or Performance lights
  • Internal communication with performance’s coefficient
  • Communication and announcements with dressing rooms, dance rehearsal area, Foyer and cafeteria.

Orchestra Pit

At stage’s front part, there is an orchestra pit that can accommodate up to 45 musicians. The depth from the auditorium level is 2.80m and from stage is 4.00m. The whole area is 68.40 square meter.

Lighting Equipment

Theatre’s lighting capabilities number 96 dimmer channel and 12 non dimmer channels splitted on stage and on flying bars.
There are 121 theatrical warm lights and 20 Moving heads (12 Wash and 8 Spot)

Sound Equipment

Theatre has a sound system which can support all kind of shows. Two digital sound consoles are available for stage and FOH.

Dressing rooms

There are seven dressing rooms at the stage’s basement which can accommodate up to 40 persons.
All dressing rooms are equipped with mirrors, special make-up lights, dresser cabinet.
Two are for soloists and include toilet and shower.
In addition, three dressing rooms are located backstage (1 stage left and 2 stage right) and are suitable for quick changes.

Rehearsal area

At the 1st floor above the backstage area there is 70 square meter area for rehearsal and warm up.

Available Pianos

Steinway Model D – 2.74m
Seidl & Sohn 1.85m