Our History

Town Life Means,

above all, cultural development. The town of Limassol, with a long tradition and always a pioneer in cultural matters, envisions its continuation and the future. From its beginnings in 1949, the Pattihio Municipal Theatre – then the privately-owned Pallas Cinema – played its own significant role in the town’s cultural and social life. Having been donated to Limassol Municipality in 1986, the Pattihio was transformed into a 719-seat theatre, the biggest in the district.

The theatre was made available for a low rental and with no restrictions to any organisation in the town (schools, trade unions, educational and youth
organisations, cultural associations, classical and modern dance groups, amateur and professional theatre companies, the Cyprus Theatre Organisation (THOC), government and other bodies) to stage performances, hold meetings, cinema shows, seminars, national celebrations and every type of cultural event. The constant development of the town and, in particular, the regeneration of the historical centre in which the Pattihio is strategically located, are today calling upon this historic building to play a new, upgraded role.

The inauguration of the theater took place on 25 November 2016 by the President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiadis.

Photograph by Yiannis Kyprianou, Markos Kyprianou (on the carriage), and Pavlas (standing) at the construction site of ‘Cine Pallas’, 1948.

Photograph of ‘Pallas Cinema’, 1968

Photo from the inauguration of Cine ‘Pallas’. (May 1949)